
K3MK Company | Karry Kamal Karry

Karry Kamal Karry returns to the theme of 'the girl, the young and death' in his RoaRaToRio. With Gert Kaiser's text, Venus and Death, Variations on Death by Jon Fosse and music by John Cage, he gives his vision of a universal theme. RoaRaToRio echoes Fragments of a Sacrifice, a work created by Karry Kamal Karry, which highlights a rich and contrasting dialogue questioning the myth of the young girl, the young man and death in a complex and rigorous mirror writing.

Based on the choreographic structure "theme and variations", Karry Kamal Karry unfolds the waves of memory of a couple confronted with disappearance. What remains beyond the lack and absence is life itself, very sweet and very terrible, in a new relationship where Time is as if abolished by death. Through a dance that is both fluid and jerky, Karry Kamal Karry proposes a singularly erotic encounter between female and male bodies, a representation of the opposites that inhabit us. But with Karry, the essential thing remains - between the movements and the sounds - the music of silence and its unspeakable vertigo. Between the music of this choreographic writing and that of the Variations, between the movements of the everyday and the presence of the sacred, there is this essential that we seek to conquer, gently and humbly: presence.

For Karry Kamal Karry RoaRaToRio opens up a transfigured order where destruction and regeneration, life and death, are neither opposed nor succeed each other, but are at work together in the same space-time where several ages are present. Thus the man, the woman, their child, a young girl guided by an indefinable "friend", meet at several ages of their existence to question its limits. The aim is to show the variations of an authentic reality and to narrate different interpretations of it in seven pieces of ten to twenty minutes; seven scenarios that give free rein to the imagination.

"To describe my vision of the concept of RoaRaToRio, I would say that the variations (...) are like the shadow of an authentic reality, which I would call the idea. Therefore, whether they are performed by a male-female, female-female, male-male couple or all three together, it represents for me a shadow of that shadow, a copy of the copy, an artificial image of reality."   Karry Kamal Karry